Friday, July 16, 2010


Dear Family,

Last week I wrote a short letter and attributed it to having received a lot of emails. This week I received a lot less which wasn´t what I had hoped. Maybe I´ll just start writing shorter letters so you don´t expect as much from me. Or maybe I´ll just write less because I have less to say. Or maybe nothing will change.

Last week on P-day we went to Sucupira and all the secretaries got these cool looking African suit deal things. Then we went to the office and took pictures. They are attached.

Also, when I first got to the office I went through a long and strenuous process of getting a Cape Verdean drivers license. Really. I´m not kidding, it was the most ridiculous thing ever. It is so ridiculous in fact, that President has started having the Secretaries just get their international drivers permit because even with the crappy post system and stuff it is faster and easier than trading your American Drivers license for a Cape Verde one. But I still think it´s cool that I have a Cape Verde drivers license. Picture attached.

This past week has been pretty slow in the office which is pretty nice. We haven´t had any emergencies or huge projects that have required us to go back to the office all day. In fact we only had to go back to the office after lunch once this week. But that´s only because our office phones haven´t been working for the past week. In fact, we are here doing emails in the office, and the phone company is working on the line right now. We got some pretty sweet pictures of him climbing up the phone pole. Pictures attached.

In other news, there really isn´t any other news. Well, I did get some random pain in the middle toe of my right foot. The mission nurse thinks it was an infection of some kind. The toe just got red and swelled up a little bit. It started on Sunday, but it didn´t hurt that bad. On monday I could hardly walk it hurt so bad. That´s when I talked to the nurse. Tuesday the pain had gone back down to barely noticeable, and it´s stayed there since then. So there is still some residual pain and if I move the toe around too much it hurts as well. It is such a random thing though, because I didn´t stub my toe, I didn´t step on it or cut it or injure it in any way. It just started to hurt one day.

But that´s ok. I´m doing well. I got a package from home the other day which was sweet. If you see any of my friends, tell them to write me.


~Elder Peterson

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