Dear Family,
Last week I was a part of an emergency transfer. I was not involved in any way other than that I was moved. And man, was the move a big one. I am now Financial Secretary in training and District Leader. I am currently in the middle of my second transfer here. I´ve been in Cape Verde all of 2 months today. So needless to say, I have a lot to learn in not a lot of time. With this move came some changes. For example, my P-day is now on Saturday which you may think would be cool, only a lot of other things happen on Saturdays such as Baptisms, Baptismal Interviews (which I will now be giving as District Leader), District Conference, and General Conference. These are all good things, but I would prefer them not to happen on my P-day. What can you do?
Also, It appears that you fellows are now on Daylight Savings time which is Spring Forward right? So 5 is now 6 and such right? We don´t have daylight savings time here. Because of our relative latitude our days are generally from 6-ish to 7-ish pretty consistantly throughout the year. I´ll leave it up to you fellows to figure out our new time difference.
Oh, and my new apartment is sweet. Most important thing here is we have hot water. So yesterday I took my first hot shower in 2 months. It was glorious. Also, shaving with warm water is a touch more comfortable than cold shaving. We have more room and it´s over all just nice. We also don´t have cockroaches in this apartment. So I know that I only recently sent those pictures of my old apartment, but those are already old news. Like my computer. I don´t have any pictures of the new place yet, but I will probably next week. Also, I managed to get some pictures of my old area last week which is good, because if I hadn´t, I wouldn´t have the chance because of this change.
So speaking of pictures, I will be posting some. Mom wanted some pictures of gross dogs. Unfortunately, I only came across some of the better examples while I had my camera. It´s a little hard to see the dirt and disease on these particular piles of flesh, but it´s there. I´ll keep my eyes out for an example that really shows what most dogs here are like.
Oh and because of the transfer I started a new planner and totally forgot my old one at the apartment, so a lot of the neat and interesting things I wanted to say will have to wait until next time. I still managed to get notes in my new planner though.
For example, many people here keep their electronics in the plastic as long as possible. Especially keyboards and remote controls. This is because of the dirt here. There is a lot of it. And with the ocean breeze blowing it everywhere, it gets everywhere. It´s ridiculous. The breeze is nice, the dirt is not.
Also, something that I thought was funny is that the secretaries have chosen Star Wars characters for us in the office. I´m Han Solo, Elder Isaacson is Luke Skywalker, Elder Balls is Chewbacca, and Elder Duarte is Jar Jar Binks. All of us except Elder Duarte are American. Elder Duarte is Cape Verdeian. Oh, and because of the nature of our work we have a Hiace which is our Milennium Falcon. I´m pretty sure I´ve explained Hiaces before, but it´s a van that is used everywhere here. I´m pretty sure they´re made by Toyota. They´re sweet.
And yesterday we taught an investigator that looks like the Actor with glasses in Bringing Down the House. I think that´s the movie anyways... With Steve Martin and Queen Latifah. Anyway, in the movie that I´m thinking about, the actor with the glasses starts dating Queen Latifah´s character and he gets corn rows or something at the end. It´s funny, but what´s more funny is that the investigator that looks like him is black and female.
So, I´m doing great here in Cape Verde. The work is moving and the Lord is helping me tons. Stay firm. Follow the Prophet. I love you.
~Elder Peterson
Oh, and merilee mentioned that either I forgot to add my muscle/tanline picture or maybe she just didn´t get it. Anyways, i´m adding it again just in case.
Freak, it´s taking forever to send, so I´m just gonna send a few pictures now, and some more in the office because we´re not constrained to a time or megabyte limit.
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